7 Ways to Organise an Elegant Bookshelf

If you are someone like us, avid readers! Then we are sure you have many books but no place to store them! 

You may even purchase a beautiful bookshelf from furniture shops -wide but be conflicted about how to make it look aesthetically appealing.

For people like us, books are more precious than a million jewels, and we take pride in displaying our collection to the world.

A bookshelf is a piece of furniture that can add personality to a room and make a BOLD STATEMENT!

In this blog, we will discuss eight unique ways that can make your bookshelves the most elegant part of your rooms!

7 Ways to Organize Bookshelf in an Elegantly 

1.   Get An Unconventional Bookcase!

Why not alter the bookcase game? This may seem like a lot of work, but you can surf through the furniture shops Christchurch has for offbeat bookshelves. Nowadays, wall-mounted bookshelves come in all types of shapes and sizes.

2.  Add Some Natural Colour!

We know it's a bookshelf, but that does not necessarily mean it can only house books. 

Mix it up, add some greenery in the form of indoor plants, and give it a touch of freshness.

Restore the books to their "paper originates from trees" roots and embellish them with these organic elements.

3.  Colour-Coding

Well, colour me in all the hues. There's no excuse not to unleash your inner artist when the entire spectrum is at your disposal! 

My preferred method is to arrange by colour, with a little author sorting thrown in. Hey, we like to stick the series together too! 

But we can't help but be drawn to a colourful bookshelf because it instantly brightens up any space. Whether it's a splash or a spectrum, we advise dove-tailing into this vibrant universe! 

4.  Add A Book Ladder

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Sincerity dictates that you purchase a book ladder if you can. It will look sophisticated whether you frame your doors, bookshelves, or anything else you wish. 

Furthermore, we get immense Beauty and the Beast feelings just from standing on one of those stunning things. They are also dreamy! How else would we access the stacks of books up top? 

5.  Turn Your Books Out!

We all have books with the best covers, and no explanation can justify hiding them! Put your faves on display for everyone; they'll offer a welcome diversion from the still-beautiful spines and attract even more attention!

6.  Style Your TBR Piles!

We sometimes have a lot of books to fit on our shelves. Sometimes we're simply too lazy to organise them properly. That's alright! 

Create your genuine TBRs by curating these piles! You may then decide where else to style them as you progress through them. Possibly a shelf. Maybe up against a wall. Chic and efficiently practical. 

7.  Spines In!

Who doesn't enjoy a little intrigue? This ambiguous yet stylish tactic is ideal for arousing your guests' curiosity and getting them to approach to see what is concealed. 

However, be prepared to *actually* explain the novels' themes unless everything here is a performance. Then, this is the height of minimalist design, and we are envious of your reading budget. 

We hope our efforts to help you decorate your studies or library were helpful. So, hurry up and scrouge the furniture shops Christchurch-wide for the perfect bookcase and give your books a beautiful home.



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